The Stewardship Team provides leadership in the financial matters of the church. This includes:
Planning the fall stewardship drive
Reviewing quarterly financial reports
Helping with the annual budget process
Managing and dispersing memorial funds
If you enjoy working with numbers, and/or are interested in helping keep the church financially stable, this would be an ideal service opportunity for you.

The Worship Team oversees the activities surrounding the Sunday morning worship service and plans special services, such as:
Christmas Eve
Lenten services
Memorial Sunday
World Communion Sunday
Veteran's Day Sunday
A heart for worship and a desire to help plan services so that all who attend can be spiritually blessed are all the requirements needed to be part of this vital ministry team.
You do not need to be musically inclined or participate in the actual service to be a member of this team.

The Mission and Outreach Team coordinates outreach activities for local and regional opportunities as well as mission trips. Examples include:
Participate in community outreach events, such as Operation Backpack
Consider ways we as a congregation can respond to people in need
Coordinate activities that may help others see, hear, or experience God's love in tangible ways
Promote special offerings throughout the year
If you have a heart for reaching out to others, please consider joining the Mission and Outreach team. This is hands on giving of ourselves to others – not evangelism.

The Property Team oversees matters involving church-owned buildings and grounds, including:
Routine maintenance
Prioritizing projects
Arranging for necessary repairs
Aiding in planning of new construction projects
You do not need construction skills to be part of this team. Your spiritual gift of service in tangible, practical ways is all that is needed.

The Children and Youth Team works with the Children and Youth Director in providing opportunities for youth to know, grow, and show God’s saving grace that will remain with them throughout their lifetime. Activities and programs include:
Participating in worship
Attending small groups, such as the Wednesday night programs, children's church and VBS
Participating in mission and outreach
If you have a heart for young people and desire to help them grow through these opportunities, please consider joining this planning team.
You do not need to have children or grandchildren in the programs or participate in every activity to be a member of this team.
Contact Amanda Doud for Children & Youth Ministry -